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Flashing Tape 9" x 75'

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DuPont FlexWrap NF is a premium performance, extendable self-adhered flashing material that can be applied over a wide range of building substrates, including non-nailable sheathing materials like PS foam board, fiberboard, concrete masonry unit (CMU), and other such materials. DuPont FlexWrap NF does not require the use of mechanical fasteners in the flexed corner areas when installed according to the flashing installation guidelines issued by DuPont. Available in  9" x 75'.


Butyl rubber adhesive backing
  • Adheres to most common building materials
  • Forgiving initial tack to allow for repositioning
  • Self-adheres for easy installation on site
  • Can be installed at external temperatures as low as 25°F
  • Handles UV exposure for up to 120 days
  • Withstands rigors of job site
Convenient roll widths
  • Perfect for a variety of applications, from flanged doors to deep window sills
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