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3"- 4" Oatey Pipe Boot 12/ box

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Oatey® All-Flash No-Calk Roof Flashings can be used in commercial and residential applications where a watertight seal for roof penetrations around the plumbing vent pipe is required.

Oatey® All-Flash® No-Calk® Roof Flashing, 16 in Base Length, 12 in Base Width, 3 to 4 in Pipe, Thermoplastic


Base Length      :      16 in
Base Width      :      12 in
Pipe Size      :      3 to 4 in
Material      :      Thermoplastic
Base Width      :      12 in
Pipe Size      :      3 to 4 in
Material      :      Thermoplastic
Base Length      :      16 in


  • Stainless, waterproof and impervious to odors and gases
  • For setting any floor type closet bowl
  • Polyethylene sleeve extends discharge opening for a more positive seal assuring proper bowl alignment
  • Will not dry out, harden or deteriorate
  • Patented All-Flash® design allows use on multiple pipe sizes
  • Thermoplastic base
  • Rated 180 deg F continuous heat and approved for type "B" installations
  • Do not use petroleum based products or paint on flashing collar or plastic base not for hot-mopped or built-up roofs
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